Our Brewhouse
We began brewing in March of 2013 on a 16hL brewhouse on our original site–a railway arch underneath Hackney Down station. Initially brewing into 4 x 20hL fermentation vessels (FVs), very early on we added more FVs to brew into in order to meet rising demand.
In 2015, we received a new 32hL brewhouse from Gravity Systems, doubling our brewing capacity and enabling us to meet the high demand for Five Points beer. This is the brewing equipment we still use today on our Mare Street site, with 3 vessels used for the brewing process–the mash tun, the wort kettle, and whirlpool. We additionally have a centrifuge on site, which is used prior to packaging the beer.
Our current line-up for fermentation vessels includes 2 x 20hL FVs, 5 x 40hL FVs, and 6 x 120hL FVs, alongside 3 x 40hL Bright Beer Tanks. We package our beer into cask, keg and bottle, with around 20% going into cask, 75% into keg, and 5% into bottle. Currently, we brew around 8 times a week.
In addition to our brewhouse, we have an on-site laboratory in which we conduct physical and chemical tests and analysis to further ensure the quality and consistency of the beer we brew.
Beer Formats and Range
From our start, Five Points has been making beers to enjoy in cask, keg and in bottle, and these continue to be the formats we currently focus on. We had a canning line in which we were producing 330ml cans of a selection of our beers, however in 2020 we made the decision to sell our canning line and focus our smallpack production on bottles.
Cask is a format that is very near and dear to us as a brewery. Not only do we enjoy drinking cask beer ourselves, we feel that the process of creating and conditioning cask ale is inherently “craft” and a unique part of British beer culture that should be supported, safeguarded, and enjoyed.
The initial core range we started making in 2013 consisted of Five Points Pale, Railway Porter and Hook Island Red. In 2014, we introduced Five Points IPA as our fourth core range beer for keg and bottle.
Over the years, we’ve adjusted our core range offerings, and currently feature the following beers as our year-round brews: Five Points Pale, Five Points XPA, Railway Porter, Five Points JUPA, Five Points Lager and Five Points Best. You can find out more about these beers here.
We are well-loved for our core range beers but also make a few seasonal specials and a few one-off brews as part of collaborations and special occasions.
Book in a brewery tour with us here at The Five Points and learn about our brewing process and get a taste of what we make.